Pair Programming in PHP-Projekten

Immediate help for current tasks in the team 

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Description / Pair Programming in PHP-Projekten

  • One-day training
  • Dates and location by arrangement (possible at our agency locals)
  • Group training for 4 - 6 people
  • Price per training course
  • Price plus travel/overnight stay if applicable

Solve current tickets as a development team

We support the current development in existing projects and help to expand and promote a team. In doing so, we impart our numerous training contents. More effective handling of developer tools and the integration of automated tests to increase software quality. In addition, we develop under the aspects of modern software design and clean code.

Develop current tasks in the team

We integrate ourselves into the team as web developers and provide concrete support in the current PHP project. This allows the team to learn in a practical and effective way. This is important because current developments are always time-critical for a business process, as this is where money is earned directly.

  • Promote teamwork
  • Optimize the development of a ticket
  • Using PhpStorm effectively
  • Introducing clean code for new development
  • Implement automated tests
  • Optimize development structures

Introducing moderated pair programming in the team

Pair programming has always been an integral part of professional web development and is of great importance as it enables innovation. The “double view” has many advantages: The software quality increases and the web developers improve their know-how through direct collaboration. As a result, the team continues to grow together and gains additional motivation. This has a positive effect on the entire company.
In addition, nobody likes to work alone - this also applies to programmers. What's more, web developers in particular complement each other's knowledge very well. Pair programming therefore reduces development phases to a minimum in which the developer would otherwise not know what to do alone. This makes development more effective, more reliable and faster, as two web developers in a team make much better progress than lone wolves. Overall, development is also much more economical.
Pair programming also offers an excellent opportunity to promote junior developers. Especially as it is extremely important in today's world to improve existing teams instead of simply “filling them up”. Our instructors have extensive experience in this area and have worked as lead developers in development teams for many years. They therefore know that it is not always easy to convince all the characters in a team of such measures. This requires tact and experience to ensure that everyone pulls together in the future.
In quite a few companies, developers are restricted to certain areas and work on so-called development islands. Unfortunately, this structure is very common. As everyone is only responsible for their own island, there is a great deal of pressure to perform at certain points. On the other hand, there are always idle phases. This is suboptimal, and if you want to use your team efficiently, you need to avoid both. After all, developers left to their own devices quickly get tunnel vision - new impetus for innovation is then usually not forthcoming. The result: the software quickly falls into a poor state. If the technical debt becomes critical on top of this, the challenge is great. This can lead to crises associated with considerable costs. Not to mention the frustration. All of this must be avoided as a matter of urgency, preferably immediately.